
At Suburban Nursery School, we provide a cooperative environment with a play-based curriculum, specifically structured to meet the developing needs of two, three, and four year olds. Each class has its own curriculum with focus on the specific developmental needs of the age group it serves. Our Director and experienced teachers expand their early childhood knowledge through coursework taken annually, as they continue to provide the highest quality educational experiences for our students. Developmental elements such as emotional and social growth, gross and fine motor skills, creative thinking, and independence are regularly incorporated into our classes and curriculum. For more information on the individual programs, please browse the class descriptions below.
Optional Morning Playtime
Monday – Friday
8:45 – 9:30am
Regular Morning School Hours
Optional Afternoon Enrichment
Monday – Thursday
12:15 – 3:00pm
Redbirds (4’s)

The primary mission of the Redbird program is to encourage continued growth in the areas of physical, emotional, social and cognitive development. The use of play, experimentation and hands-on experience are vital tools for achieving these goals. The class’s daily schedule supports this approach by providing a focus and rhythm to the school day. Incorporating appropriate educational tools and materials enables each child to learn at his or her own pace and ability. The primary focus is on each child’s individual development, with special emphasis placed on retaining individuality while learning to function within a group. The activities and curriculum in Redbirds are designed to engage children in age-appropriate learning in range of subjects and to ensure that they are ready to transition into a kindergarten program.
Bluebirds (3’s)

The early goals of the Bluebird program are to help children become comfortable in a group, become accustomed to the routines of school life, and get to know and trust adults other than their own parents. Early in the school year, children tend to move rapidly from activity to activity and we encourage them as they follow their own interests. As the school year progresses, children show lengthening attention spans and learn to work together. As this ensues, more structured activities are offered. Throughout the school year, activities are selected to provide stimulation for each child’s emotional, social, physical, cognitive and creative development. As children engage in projects and activities within the classroom, we also encourage using their “words” to communicate, taking turns, and showing respect for each other.
Yellowbirds (2’s)

Our Yellowbirds attend school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Two years old can be an age of great development. Children may change and grow significantly in all ways during that period – cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically. We keep the class size small (no more than ten) because we feel that working in smaller groups is important for children who are so young. This is their first experience with school – we want to make sure it is a successful one.
Purplebirds (Optional Afternoons)

Optional Afternoon Enrichment (Purplebirds) Monday-Thursday 12:15-3:00pm
Students eat lunch, enjoy art exploration, outdoor time, and as always have lots of time for PLAY! There are no parent co-oping responsibilities for the afternoon program. Children are guided by our Purplebird teacher and our classroom aides. Enrollment is open to potty-trained, non-napping Bluebirds (3-year olds) and Redbirds (4-year olds). Yellowbirds (2-year olds) who meet these requirements will be evaluated before acceptance into the program. Children may be registered for 1,2, 3 or 4 afternoons/week. Space is is limited and filled in order of applications received. Drop-ins are allowed if space is available and you are currently part of the Purplebird group.
The enrichment activities we offer, both during regular school hours (at no additional cost) and in the early morning and afternoon (for an additional fee), are part of what makes Suburban such a wonderful place.
Sibling Sitting

As part of their co-oping responsibility, parents must regularly act as aides in their child’s classroom. To ease that burden for families with other small children, sibling sitting is available to co-oping parents in our Greenbird room for the duration of the school day. Our Greenbird room is located directly adjacent our other classrooms and offers a well-equipped, comfortable, and safe environment for younger siblings ages eight weeks and older. Loving caregivers (generally current SNS parents, or experienced child care-givers) are all certified in First Aid and Infant/Toddler CPR. Parents can co-op in their Yellow-, Blue-, or Redbird’s class without anxiety or stress, knowing that their infant or toddler is being well cared for right next door.

Hatchlings is our weekly playgroup for little ones ages 8 months- 2 years old and their parent or caregiver. Hatchlings provides children with their first exposure to a classroom and allows families of similar age children to connect and build a supportive community. Our wonderful facilitator supports the children through thoughtful play, songs and stories, and outdoor fun!
Hatchlings meets weekly, on Tuesdsays and/or Thursdays from 9:45am-11:45am.
For questions or to apply, please email
Typical Schedule (subject to change)
Free play in the classroom
Circle and Storytime
Outdoor Play

Redbirds Curriculum
Regular classroom activities include: music, art and fine motor projects, games and puzzles, imaginative and dramatic play, science and nature exploration, examining literature, outdoor exploration and play, large-motor activities and individual responsibility through classroom jobs.
Although individual days may vary, Redbirds generally follow the same daily schedule:
Monday- Friday 9:30am- 12:15pm
- Outdoor Play
- Wash hands and look at books
- Snack
- Circle Time
- Free Play, Art Activities, Games and Projects
- Clean-up and Final Circle
- Dismissal
The Redbird class generally consists of fourteen to sixteen children, all of whom attend five mornings a week. In addition to the teacher, there is an assistant and one co-oping parent or two co-oping parents in the class each day. For information on co-oping responsibilities for Redbird families, please see the Admissions and Our Approach sections.
There is an option for Redbirds to continue their day in our Enrichment class from 12:15-3pm on any day Monday- Thursday.

Bluebirds Curriculum
Regular classroom activities include: music and rhythm, art projects, imaginative play, science and nature exploration, literature, outdoor exploration and play, and large-motor activities.
Although individual days may vary, Bluebirds generally follow the same daily schedule:
9:30am – 12:15pm
- Outside Time
- Wash hands, Circle Time (hello song, story, movement)
- Snack
- Free Play, Art Projects
- Clean-up
- Circle Time (story, songs, movement, goodbye song)
- Dismissal
Bluebirds may attend school three, four, or five mornings a week. There are 2 co-oping parents or 1 co-oping parent and an assistant, along with the teacher each day. For information on co-oping responsibilities for Bluebird families, please see the Admissions and Our Approach sections.
Bluebirds have the option of extending their day in our enrichment class from 12:15-3pm any day from Monday-Thursday.

Yellowbirds Curriculum
Classes are staffed each day with one teacher and two co-oping parents, or one parent and an aide. For information on co-oping responsibilities for Yellowbird families, please see the Admissions and Our Approach sections.
The goal of the Yellowbird program is to offer young children an opportunity to interact in a safe, secure and fun environment where they can begin the social process of making friends and being part of a group. The classroom is center-based and the curriculum has art as its focus with accents on “messy” and “fun.” We take into account the students’ interest and events which occur naturally within the classroom and their homes. With the guidance of the teacher and co-oping parents, children learn through their play, while developing their verbal communication and social skills.
Though individual days may vary, Yellowbirds generally follow the same daily schedule:
9:30am – 12:15pm
- Free Play, Art
- Snack
- Songs, Finger-plays
- Outside
- Free Play, Playdough
- Clean-up, Dance, Books
- Dismissal
With the guidance of the teacher and co-oping parents, children learn through their play, while developing their verbal communication and social skills.
Regular classroom activities include: music and finger-plays, art projects, building, imaginative play, science and nature exploration, literature, and outdoor exploration and play.

Enrichment Details
Activities During School
During school, creative movement is taught by former children’s gym owner and parent educator, Celia Kibler. This program provides opportunities for children to develop the large motor skills and coordination involved in basic locomotion movements: walking, hopping, skipping, running, galloping, etc. They learn to isolate and manipulate individual body parts. They follow two-, three- and even four-step directions: hop, hop, turn and jump… The children learn to listen and cooperate in a large group setting. Activities are presented which offer dance improvisation, problem-solving, critical listening games, etc. Children have opportunities to work individually, with a partner, and with the entire group.
Also, during school, we have music class taught by Michelle Hessel. Ms. Michelle has been teaching music in the area for over 20 years. She creates an engaging, energetic, highly interactive class for our students. They are exposed to musical concepts including rhythm, pitch and instruments. Michelle has a background in musical theater and it shows!!
Field trips (apple picking, nature center, nature walks, etc.) are also a part of Suburban Nursery School. Each Fall our classes visit a local nature center or farm. Our school grounds are also bordered by nature trails, giving our classes regular opportunities for walks to learn about the seasons, animals, plants, and other natural elements.
Suburban Nursery School’s outdoor space includes a school garden. Populated with many animal, insect and plant species, this space provides opportunities for our students to learn about natural life cycles and ecosystems. Children are free to play and dig in this area during outdoor play, and classes regularly participate in planting and cultivating activities. Each year, we welcome Spring with the release of butterflies who metamorphose in our classrooms.
Optional Morning Playtime (Early Birds) Monday-Friday 8:45-9:30am
An option for all our birds who need to spread their wings a little earlier. Drop off your child for an all-school playtime at 8:45am for a nominal cost. Earlybirds playtime is held in the Greenbird room with our director, Mrs. Meltzer. Children may be registered for 1,2,3,4, or 5 mornings/week. Drop-in students are welcome if space is available.
Optional Friday Classes
There may be classes offered on Friday afternoons coordinated by our parents.